Sunday, July 18, 2004

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

I didn't do much today. Wrote about what I did since the last time I posted first thing this morning when I got home. I took a nice shower and decided to lay outside and tan while I wrote my OC letters. That was nice. My parents thought we should go out on the boat, so partway through a letter i switched locales.

I finished my letters, we looked at a house, AND I even get an hour-long nap. Pretty successful.

Speaking of which, this job predictor says I should be a Movie Star. I couln't complain about that, so I tried some other people too:

My mom --> Supermodel
My dad --> Chef
My brother --> Professional Tramp
Anneli Martinek --> Stunt Person
Emily Mouilso --> Quiz Show Contestant (is that a real profession?)
Katie Moze --> God
Katie Lynn Moze (same girl) --> Satan (odd)
Elise Fritchie --> Astrologer (don't you with your name was Katie Lynn Moze)
Kate Peterson --> Garden Gnome
Dru Korab --> Lumberjack
Alex Wente --> Alien Investigator
Eric Klaes --> Housekeeper
Phil Cool --> Lumberjack
Brady Nelson --> Cowboy
Carson Adler --> "The job you have now" (cop out)
Nate Lenhof --> Funeral Director
Aaron Janasiak --> Church Minister
Mary Sterrett --> Professional Shopper
Toby Gwiasdowski --> Computer Nerd
David Freisleben --> Top Gun Pilot
Mike Bohn --> "Anything except what you're doing now" (his away message says "work" right now. odd)
Khaatim Boyd --> Dentist
Taylor Bogdanske --> Satan (can there be more than one?)
Chris Rydz --> Second-Hand Car Salesman
Matt Watkins --> Permanent Temp (what?)
Dan Nichols --> Human Shield (that's sorta like being a cop...)
Bob Weber --> Quiz Show Contestant (he can compete against Emily!!)

Comment if you tried your name and aren't listed here. Let me know if yours was good...


Anonymous said...

The name "Johnny Poopoopants" yields "Your ideal job is a … who are you kidding, you work?"

Just thought you'd like to know.

Anonymous said...

Looks like I'm boycotting this blog for lack of Andy-love.


Anonymous said...

That is all well and good, except that you spelt my name wrong... don't get me wrong, you were a lot closer than most non polacks, but it's GwiaZdowski, and I'm a prostitute. If you put Tobias it makes me into a mime artist, which are two careers that I believe I could combine in an interesting and lucrative way... so there.