Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yes, I'm Still Alive!

Hello all! Remember me? Probably not, and that's okay: it’s been ages since I’ve last sent out one of these emails. Exactly one month from today I’ll be having corrective eye surgery. Although it’s atypical of me, I’m already nervous about it. I’ve recently accepted my nomination as one of America’s Top 20 Worst Typers, and if a month from today I’m suddenly blind, I’ve also accepted the fact that life as I know it (i.e. semi-attached to a computer for most of my waking and probably some of my sleeping hours) will be over. I figured I’d better type an update email while I could sill see. Here goes nothing:

Just shy of one week ago I passed my final test on the road to becoming a full-fledged Ski Patroller. This means I get to do really cool things like wear a sweet red coat and carry a walkie-talkie. Oh, and save lives. :D It seems like forever ago that I completed all of the health-related coursework, even though it was just this past November. One thing I’ve learned in my volunteering thus far: hot cocoa is an amazing first aid tool for a surprising number of “owies;” the text book left that out.

I just went back to see how long ago I wrote to see how much I should include. November 23, 2007?! Wow...

Well, most probably know that I started a new job down in Milwaukee just short of a year ago. I LOVE it. There’s plenty to do, ranging from running reports to designing web pages. The diversity of tasks is perfect for me. Best of all, my boss is awesome and VERY respectful. I couldn’t be happier here.

It’s pretty cool being closer to family and friends too. Best of all, there’s a new little addition to my family: Peanut! I finally moved into an apartment that allows dogs, so I made the decision to adopt from the Humane Society last Memorial Weekend. She’s the most adorable, spunky Chihuahua ever. She’s a Libra who loves long naps anywhere, cuddling, laying around, and snuggling. I was always partial to bigger dogs growing up, but she’s got plenty of personality (dog-ality?) and is much better suited to apartment life. She’s begrudgingly accepting her fate at the object of 90% of my photography. Rough life. ;)

I want to keep this on the shorter end so I can still add some fun links, plus I just don’t think my life is all that interesting post-college. I’m not committing to a plan, but with any luck I’ll be able to write again at least once before my potential blindness. I’m keeping my fingers & toes crossed for optical improvement, though, and you should too.

Write soon!
<3 Rebecca