Wednesday, July 07, 2004

My Tuesday

First of all, today's Dru's birthday, so I have to start by wishing him the happiest of all the best 20th birthday's in the world, even if it didn't really turn out that way...

On with my blog. Ever have one of those days where you feel like you really didn't do much of anything, but you still got a lot done? Or one of those days where you worked your ass off and got very little reward? Well, I, my friend, had both of those days in one...

I had to drag my ass out of bed at 9:30 this morning because Auto Glass Specialists needed a 4-hour window (10 AM-2 PM) to come and fix the chips in my windshield from the damn gravel truck. How hard would it be to throw a tarp over the tops of those babies? I mean really...

Sorry, back on track: So I know that 9:30 doesn't sound very early for some of you, in fact such an hour would be many additional hours slept, but for someone who works late and goes to bed later, that's pretty damn early. And I wanted to run a bunch of errands since I was up and all, but of course I couldn't because I had to be at home.

So I call the guys in the little red trucks and ask for an estimate of when they'll be showing up cuz I've got things to do and places to go, all before work. I'm informed that it'll be 1/2 hour (putting us at about 1:00 = much time wasted that could have been used for sleeping), which gave me plenty of time to shower and get dressed for work, etc before he arrives.

When he's finally done I hurried up and ran all my errands. Go figure, I'm done early. What else to do but go to work early and get paid 25 cents more than I would have. Yee ha. Being a Tuesday, today sucked, even though I seemed to be making mediocre tips on my tables. People these days just don't know how to tip... I was running my ass of trying to keep everyone happy, and I only botched once (how important are salads anyway? They even said they didn't want them and I gave them free dessert to compensate, so it was an okay tip.)

I grabbed my book at the end of the night and was astonished at how little I made in tips, especially for closing. Don't get me wrong: it could have been worse, but we were busy for a long time, and it shoulda been better. On the plus side, after I got home and threw in a load of laundry, I found $5 more in my apron. Cha ching. I'm a high roller now!

And an update of the pedometer (think "stepometer," but less cheesy and actually works) that I'm trialing for my mom: today was an all-time high of 5,160 steps. And I still have to go downstairs and get the laundry from the washer and dryer.


P.S. Some people were unaware why some words are bold and green. Those, my friends, are links. Some have something to do with whatever I was talking about. Others are random, but somehow related, probably just to the word itself. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your blog is so cool dude