Thursday, July 29, 2004

Words to Live by...

Lounged around on the boat Tuesday, got ready for volleyball Tuesday evening, but it was cancelled so I stayed in.

I worked tonight (Wednesday). It was quite slow for a usual Wednesday, and we had 6 servers on, so since I had the party section and there were no parties until the very end of the night, I had only 2 active tables during the breif rush. It sucked, and tips weren't good. Not bad, but not good for a Wednesday.

I learned how to make a Bahama Mama today though. No one's ever ordered that before, but one of the cooks did tonight, so I got to learn. This was all while I had one table left who simply needed nothing but time to eat, and they wouldn't leave. They were there forever!!

After I got off of work, which was at least 11:15, I went to Katie's house cuz Knox was in town and I haven't seen her in forever. It was good to see Knox again, but she had to get up early to drive back to Boston tomorrow, so I didn't have very long to visit with her before she had to leave. That was sad.

Then I was getting eaten alive by mosquitos, so I decided to go home and sleep. Lots of working in my future, so I thought sleep wouldn't hurt...

P.S. The title is a link. You should click on it...

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


I slept in today, which was wonderful. I got up and lounged around the house for a while.

My mom got a claim to her insurance for me for some childbirth charge ($2094 or so) from June 19th. She asked my countless times what I did that day and if I was sure there was something I wasn't telling her. It was insane; she wouldn't drop it. I worked that day, the day before, and the day after. I mean really, wouldn't she have noticed somewhere during the 9 months prior if I was doing to have delivered a freakin baby?!

After that I went to work. I was graced with the wonderful open bar shift again today. Better tips than usual, all because of the food service guy. haha, that's awesome. Then Nikki, the hostess, said she wished she could come to work for 2 hours and go home. I said I switch with her, and so it was. After my shift in the bar I hostessed for an incredibly slow night. When we closed I was told to stick around and learn how to do everything. There was a lot to take in, but now I know a lot more than many of the other employees do, so that's nice.

Now I'm going to go to bed. If the weather's nice, the girls and I are going out on the lake. Should be a good time.

Don't Stay - Linkin Park

Sometimes I need to remember just to breathe
Sometimes I need you to stay away from me
Sometimes I’m in disbelief I didn’t know
Somehow I need you to go

Don’t stay
Forget our memories
Forget our possibilities
What you were changing me into
Just give me myself back and
Don’t stay
Forget our memories
Forget our possibilities
Take all your faithlessness with you
Just give me myself back and
Don’t stay

Sometimes I feel like I trusted you too well
Sometimes I just feel like screaming at myself
Sometimes I’m in disbelief I didn’t know
Somehow I need to be alone

Don’t stay
Forget our memories
Forget our possibilities
What you were changing me into
Just give me myself back and
Don’t stay
Forget our memories
Forget our possibilities
Take all your faithlessness with you
Just give me myself back and
Don’t stay

I don’t need you anymore, I don’t want to be ignored
I don’t need one more day of you wasting me away
I don’t need you anymore, I don’t want to be ignored
I don’t need one more day of you wasting me away

I don’t need you anymore, I don’t want to be ignored
I don’t need one more day of you wasting me away
I don’t need you anymore, I don’t want to be ignored
I don’t need one more day of you wasting me away

With no apologies

Don’t stay
Forget our memories
Forget our possibilities
What you were changing me into
Just give me myself back and
Don’t stay
Forget our memories
Forget our possibilities
Take all your faithlessness with you
Just give me myself back and
Don’t stay

Don't stay

Don't stay

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Las Quatro Dias Pasadas

So since I did a lot of repeat stuff, I'll just talk about the stuff I did, and not what day I did everything.

I worked at this Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. I really didn't get to see any golf, but that was okay cuz I really wouldn't have paid any attention anyway. I did other useless things, like hand out literature on random AstraZeneca drugs and health related stuff, count how many people did different things -- enter the tent, get their blood pressure checked, grabbed a literature packet, got a seat cushion or passport holder, played the "Putting Challenge II" game -- inside the tent, help with the consultations with the golf pro, etc. Long days in the fresh air left me exhausted, so I didn't have much a life around that.

So since I was so exhausted from work, volleyball Thursday was rough. haha, I sucked it up sooo bad. I had no desire to move, and I kept laughing at Wes. We still won all three because we're awesome like that, even though we only played with 5 again this week.

The promotion took far longer than needed. Clean-up went quick afterward, except the endless vacuuming and the dawdling that inevitably follows. By the time I finally got to the picnic I had a half hour to eat before I had to leave for Alpine. That was sad, but the food was good, so it sorta evened out.


At the concert Jamie and I had our stand back with one other girl, Erin. At first we didn't know if she'd be cool, but she turned out to be pretty awesome. We made pretty good tips. The crowd was weird, but it seemed like less of a hassle than usual. Cept at the end. Oh well. At the end of the night we only had to pay $5 each back to Alpine. Not Bad. That's all.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

I like to drive all over Wisconsin

So Monday I had to be up early to drive to Madison for a re-audition for the St. Mary's TV spot. After driving past the place I was supposed to go a few times due to poor labeling of the building (small sign blocked my minivan = not very effective). I really don’t think the re-audition went too well. I wasn’t “in the zone” if you will, just kinda spacey, and I really didn’t have much motivation. Now it’s Wednesday and I think they started shooting the series today, so I’m guessing the decision was already made. Oh well. I hear the pay wasn’t stellar, and I’m sick of trying to find these off-the-wall buildings.

The audition took less time than I had estimate, as did the overall driving. I stopped at Johnson Creek for my dad to look for something at the Black and Decker store. Turns out it’s no longer there, so I took that opportunity to shop. Got some good deals, which is nice. I continued to the Wal-Mart in Delafield, which also took less time than expected. I tried to waste time there also to no avail.

I continued my drive on to work, to which I arrived about 25 minutes early.
It was a good day because the food delivery guy for whom I make strawberry margaritas gave me a $10 tip.
It was a bad day because I only got $1 from a guy who made me listen for about an hour and a half about how much and why he loves Trading Spaces.
It was a good day because, thanks to our Reinhart man, over the past weeks I have become a margarita master.
It was a bad day because I only got to work for 2.5 hours.
It was a good day because after bartending I got to go to the martial arts school, where I make better wages.
It was a bad day because there wasn’t much to do there and I got bored.
It was a good day because it all ended in sleeping, and I love sleeping.

My mom woke me up early this morning (because she’s a compulsive early riser) so we could go to the mall so I could get khakis for the GMO and then go to Sam’s Club to stock up for the school picnic. I got 2 pairs of khakis from one store: amazing.

We got a bunch of stuff at Sam’s, but nothing really for me, so that’s probably not interesting because, obviously, all you do during YOUR uneventful days is read about what I’M doing...

At 6:30 I went to open gym volleyball at the ‘ol high school. It’s so weird playing with that group (going to be freshmen in high school) after playing with my Thursday Night Co-Ed League for so long (going to be seniors in or have graduated from college). Katie Smith, Sammi and I played 3 on 6, a rotating group of the 7 underclassmen, and we killed them so badly we had to do something else. It was really quite pathetic, but fun at the same time because it wasn’t at all serious. I hope you like run-on sentences...

That night I went to Brad’s. Lotsa drama that I don’t feel like typing, so I won’t, but if you wanna ask, feel free.

Today I got up early again to find a nice package in the mail. That made me late to pick up Emily, especially after my mom spilled water all down the front of my khaki skirt. Emily and I headed to Madison noting that they close a lot or roads for “construction,” and there’s usually none at all. Assholes.

When we got to Madison we decided to grab lunch at Potbelly’s, which was amazing. The A’ Wreck: I recommend it. ;-) After lunch Emily said I had to look into some of the new boutiques with the sickeningly expensive clothes that were just oh-so-worth-it. Bear in mind this is on the level of bringing an alcoholic to an open bar. At the very first store I found a $300 dress on sale for 70% off. It was such a steal, and of course the one in the entire store was my size and it fit perfectly.

That was my one purchase all day though, so it worked out. We went to some other stores, but nothing struck my eye. I went to my agency after that for the Go-See. Prolly didn’t go too well because I was the first one. Oh well. We’ll wait to hear back...or not. Who knows?

I then sped to work because they started late. Made it in the knick of time cuz I’m pimp like that. I was hostessing today, and if I do say so myself, I held it down like a pro. Watch out! No tips, but why would I want to make $80and up like everyone else? Pff...

Well I need to get up early (5 AM) to work at the GMO tomorrow, so I’m going to bed. Maybe I’ll put up some links tomorrow. Maybe not. We’ll see. Good night all.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

I didn't do much today. Wrote about what I did since the last time I posted first thing this morning when I got home. I took a nice shower and decided to lay outside and tan while I wrote my OC letters. That was nice. My parents thought we should go out on the boat, so partway through a letter i switched locales.

I finished my letters, we looked at a house, AND I even get an hour-long nap. Pretty successful.

Speaking of which, this job predictor says I should be a Movie Star. I couln't complain about that, so I tried some other people too:

My mom --> Supermodel
My dad --> Chef
My brother --> Professional Tramp
Anneli Martinek --> Stunt Person
Emily Mouilso --> Quiz Show Contestant (is that a real profession?)
Katie Moze --> God
Katie Lynn Moze (same girl) --> Satan (odd)
Elise Fritchie --> Astrologer (don't you with your name was Katie Lynn Moze)
Kate Peterson --> Garden Gnome
Dru Korab --> Lumberjack
Alex Wente --> Alien Investigator
Eric Klaes --> Housekeeper
Phil Cool --> Lumberjack
Brady Nelson --> Cowboy
Carson Adler --> "The job you have now" (cop out)
Nate Lenhof --> Funeral Director
Aaron Janasiak --> Church Minister
Mary Sterrett --> Professional Shopper
Toby Gwiasdowski --> Computer Nerd
David Freisleben --> Top Gun Pilot
Mike Bohn --> "Anything except what you're doing now" (his away message says "work" right now. odd)
Khaatim Boyd --> Dentist
Taylor Bogdanske --> Satan (can there be more than one?)
Chris Rydz --> Second-Hand Car Salesman
Matt Watkins --> Permanent Temp (what?)
Dan Nichols --> Human Shield (that's sorta like being a cop...)
Bob Weber --> Quiz Show Contestant (he can compete against Emily!!)

Comment if you tried your name and aren't listed here. Let me know if yours was good...


So tonight after a successful night at Roma's, I decided to drive up to Ripon and meet up with Anneli and Aaron at Noah's apartment. Turns out a bunch of other Ripon people were in the area too, so it was a pretty good hanging out-size. Brady, Tara, Carson, Chris, Trina, Jamie, and Alex were all there too. So that was pretty cool.

This morning I had to wake up early to go to Madison for an audition for some Hospital TV commercial. That was easy, but a weird audition. I also got some more information on doing promo work at the Greater Milwaukee Open.

After my audition and lunch on State St., I drove Aaron back to his house. I found out I need khakis for this GMO thing, but I couldn't get a hold of anyone to meet me at the mall and go shopping.

At 6:30 we had another volleyball game at Kelly's. We ended up having to play with 5, but still played awesome. We won all three games again, and got a free pizza. What a payoff.

I was so tired from getting to bed late Wednesday and having to get up early on Thursday that we just came home. I wrote some OC letters and went to bed.

I had a dentist appointment this morning. That damn lady who cleaned my teeth should have been fired! She stabbed me in the gums probably a dozen times with that sharp metal thing they use to clean your teeth -- oh, she got me once in the chin too. Then she laughs it off and says, "You have slippery saliva!" Is there any other kind? Sorry! My gums were in pain all day and part of Saturday. Oh, but no cavities. Boo yah.

I came home after a quick Wal-Mart stop for the parents post dental abuse. Anneli was coming today to visit for the weekend, and she, of course, had beaten me home. My parents called us to have us put bring the ski equipment down to the pier, so we did all that in hopes we'd be on our way out to the lake soon. Nope. It took us so long to get out there that I only had about an hour before I had to come back in and get ready for work.

I did get a wakeboarding run in, however, right after I finished applying tanning oil. Luckily for me our wakeboarding rope doesn't have grips on the handle. Usually I like that, but my hands were covered in oil, which made my first wakeboard run of the season extra-difficult with the added necessity of a death grip on the handle.

After Anneli took a run and had slightly lesser yet comparable grip problems, I jumped onto shore and drove back to my house to get ready. Anneli and my parents brought the boat in at just about the perfect time for me to be to work on time. Of course that didn't happen. I was about a 1/2 hour late, but there were 2 hostesses tonight, so it wasn't too bad.
After work we had made plans with John to hang out with him and stay at his apartment.

We lucked out that Anneli has friends in the area, because when we called John he said he was on his way home from a baseball game and that he’d be home in about an hour. We hung out with Anneli’s friends for a while (a couple hours) and called John back. He said he’d gotten sidetracked, but he’d definitely be at his apartment in the next half hour. Another hour or so passes while we’re with Anneli’s friends, and we finally decide we’re ready to leave and go to John’s. Just to make sure he’s there, we give him a call again. He says he’s walking to his apartment as we speak and he’ll be there in no more than 20 minutes. We wait a little while, then leave to go meet John.

We get to John’s apartment and buzz and buzz and buzz his room to let us in. Nothing. We call; his cell phone is off or dead. Just then I turn around to see blinking lights. It’s the man who goes around distributing parking tickets. I go out there and ask him where we’re allowed to park overnight. I’m informed I can park on the other side of the street if I have a permit. I ask where I can park overnight if I DON’T have a permit, and he informs me in the snottiest way possible that he’s not a valet and doesn’t park people’s cars for them. I replied as nicely as possible that I didn’t want him to park my car for me, I was just wondering where overnight parking is allowed. He goes on a rant about how there are many different people issuing parking tickets at this time -- parking people like him, public safety, and police -- so he really couldn’t tell me. That was the jist, but it must have taken him about 10 minutes just on that. SO I tell him I’m going to move my car, and continuing his power-trip, he informs me that he is going to wait right here until I do.

I get Anneli and Aaron from the lobby of John’s apartment, and we pile in the car to go somewhere else. By this time I’m pretty upset at John because of the broken plans that were made by him about a week ago. I won’t even go into how much I hate broken plans again. We dicide just to drive back to East Troy and sleep at my house.

I ask Aaron if we can drop him off at his house because it’s less out of the way than having to take him home in the morning, and he says his parents would be pretty upset if he came home at this time in the morning (2:15 AM). I tell Aaron that if he sleeps at my house he’s not getting dropped off until after my brother’s company party tomorrow, which would be dinner-time-ish. He says that’s fine. Apparently while I was not in the room after we got back to my house (3:00 AM ish) he informs Anneli that he has to work at his grandma’s in the morning, but it shouldn’t be a big deal. I get the two of them to bed after a half hour to an hour, and I finally get to sleep.

Aaron comes in my room in the morning and wakes me up saying he got a nasty message from his parents asking why he wasn’t home yet because he was supposed to be at his grandma’s 20 minutes ago. So that means now I have to drive 45 minutes north to take Aaron home, another 45 minutes back towards my house, then another half hour south to my brother’s company party. 9:00 AM is my new wake-up time. Quite cranky from my less than 6 (prolly closer to 5) hours of sleep, I get ready and Anneli gets ready and we drive Aaron to his house. Of course all of this is MY fault because "I'm supposed to be Aaron's better judgement." Bullshit.

As we’re running through East Troy again, I call my parents to meet up with them for this party. They inform me that we need to pick up my brother from home. When we arrive home Nick is supposed to be ready to go. Where is he? Oh, rolling out of bed. Slacker. More time and gas wasted, and Rebecca’s still cranky.

We get to the party, which is kinda boring because, well, it’s a company party, and I don’t work for the company. Granted I knew some people, but still... Anneli and I lay out by their private lake for a while and tanned, which was nice until a wasp stung me in the leg. Bastard.

We had some food and decided to get going. The plan was to go shopping, but for some stupid reason the malls close at 6:00 on Saturdays, so we woulda had about 15 minutes if we got our asses in gear and really moved. But we were too tired and settled on a nap. That was nice.

When we woke up we headed to Milwaukee, this time to visit Nate and Caleb, where we knew we’d have a place to stay. haha That was a good time, but still very stressful for me. I won’t go into that.

I wake up, drive Aaron home, direct Anneli to the freeway, and get to go home myself. Now I have a ton of shit to do, so I’m going to stop writing this.


Wednesday, July 14, 2004


So my internet wasn't working since i posted last. I went to work yesterday (Tuesday) and forgot to pick up my paycheck, for, like, the fifth time in a row. That kinda ticked me off, but it didn't last long because I was the party queen last night. I had a party of 7, a party of 8, and a party of 14 last night. I knew personally the party of 8, so I didn't put suggested gratuity on their bill, but both of my other parties I did and BOTH double tipped, which is always nice. I had my 2nd best tips night at Roma's ever last night, and it was a sucky ol Tuesday, so that was a little ironic.

I got home and tried to go to bed, but that was quite unsuccessful. I tried watching TV, listening to music, and even calling Anneli at 3:30 AM. All I got from Anneli was some tired mumbles. It was funny, but I decided to let her go nonetheless.

I woke up this morning to three consecutive calls on my cell phone: My agency (can I do an audition tomorrow), Aaron (want to go to OshKosh tonight?), and Troy (can I play volleyball tomorrow?). All were yes's, but OshKosh has kind of reverted to a maybe pending contact with Price... That and I'd have to look nice for my audition tomorrow... We'll see.

I have to work again tonight. Hopefully I make some good money. The special tonight is All You Can Eat crab legs for $19.95. Now AYCE isn't very convenient, BUT we're alreayd at a $40 bill for a table of 2 before drinks, which usually means better tips. This is my second Wednesday at Roma's ever; wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I lead a boring life

Sunday the only notable thing I did was go to a graduation party in Waterford. It was kinda cool to see this family again who I haven't seen in so long, but at the same time we really didn't know any of their friends or neighbors, so that was awkward.

Today I woke up, showered, and went to work. I opened the bar at Roma's today, this time working about an hour and 45 minutes and making a whopping $1.00 in tips. Afterward I went to the martial arts school, where I get a far better wage. (If only I got my paychecks...) I came home, had some salad, and watched Shrek. Yes, I'm boring AND this my virgin Shrek-viewing. Get off my case.

I technically have OC letters to write, but I'm SO unmotivated. And right now I'm doing a lot of thinking. Sometimes it's rewarding to talk to people when you're thinking about deep stuff, I think, but at this point I just don't feel like anyone'd want to hear* about it, which puts me in such a position where I no longer feel like typing about it.

* Dru insists I give him credit for that excellent [insert sarcasm here] musical find. If you actually want to hear a song, click on the green box on the right of that page with the weird, angry-looking teeth. Actually, I'll just post a pic. There it is, to the right. Enjoy?

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Buffett Concert

I didn't really do anything all day until I had to go to work at Alpine. The show tonight was Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band, which is always fun because everyone dresses up and gets into it. Except, of course, this new girl they stuck in my stand for today (and hopefully never again). She was such a drag!

To put it in perspective, when Jamie and I worked at Phish alone on Friday night, we raked in more for tips than we did tonight (which should have been better based on the crowd alone) because this girl was so bad. She would yell at customers and was just NOT the kind of person you wanted to deal with after waiting in line as long as you have to at my station.

Then, of course, at the end of the night, my stand wouldn't balance. When ee started, we were $780 short, then we were about $106 over, then we were $1,300 short, and $261 finally short. After our last count, we ended the night still being $93.75 short, so with our allotted 1/2% leeway (over or under), as a stand we still owed $55. Damn Alpine. We just decided to pay it and get the hell out of there.

I really wish I could go to bed because my body is so exhausted, but while we were wrestling empty kegs in the cooler and recounting and recounting everything, I endulged in a Red Bull, which is preventing me from my oh-so-desirable bed for the time being.

Oh yeah, and the show was great, as all Buffett shows seem to be. I wanted to take some more cool stuff, but all I ended up with was a penant (pulled from one of those long strings) and the "Caronita" semi-festive-but-not-really-that-cool bucket they gave us for limes. I had my eye on a sweet poster and an inflatable Margaritaville Tequila bottle at the very least, and I got none of the above. Sadness. And Aaron, that means I wasn't able to get anything for you either. Sorry.

I guess that's all for now. I'm going to go try to wind down...

Saturday, July 10, 2004

I've gotta keep on top of these posts a little better...

I have so much to say, but I hate making such long posts. I'll try to break it up as much as possible, so here goes: (Oh, and you're going to have to deal with lack of spell-checking or proofreading again, cuz I'm lazy)

Today was a pretty good day. I woke up to a phone call from my inebriated buddy who was doing as best she could to drive home and get ready for work. I talked to her from wherever she was leaving until she got home, then was too awake to go back to bed. No biggie though. If I had something I could have been doing to be productive, I could have gotten it done. But I didn’t have anything to do, as usual. I decided to go for a run, but it was raining, and I’m really not a big fan of rain, as most who know me are well aware. So instead I just did a little cardio workout, some abs, and some short sprints…all in my basement. Yay for free space.

So I took a shower and tried to decide what to do with the rest of my day. TV was the best and most obvious answer. After feeling like a bum for sitting in front of the boob tube, and talking on the phone for so long, I decided to take a little walk up my gauntlet of a driveway (damn bugs) to get the mail. Just as I walked out the garage door, Alex calls and keeps me company while I dodge the flying, blood-hungry pests that oh-so-conveniently surround my entire living area. As I walk down the hill, we’re still talking, and he tells me to look behind me, and who’s in my driveway but my boy. Oh that made my day. :-D

He stayed for about 5, 5 1/2 hours, which was sweet, then he had to go home. I decided to round up some friends (Okay, Emily and Katie: it’s difficult to round up a bunch of people in a town this size) and we headed up to Ripon to celebrate Noah’s Birthday. Oh yeah, and Noah was passed out when we got there…

Katie decided to go home after a few hours cuz she had to work so early in the morning, but when you arrive at 11:30 that happens. Everyone had a good time, I lost a bet, I stole some random guy’s ID, and we went to bed.

In the morning a bunch of us went to Kristina’s, this pimp little restaurant in Ripon, just down the street from Al’s apartment. We had the waitress with 6 fingers on her right hand. Nice lady.

After breakfast I game Emily the grand tour of campus, which took no more than 7 minutes flat, I’m sure, including the pit stop at Bob’s house. As Emily and I drove back to East Trizzle, we noted that it was kind of a nice day out; since we both had nothing to do anyway, we decided to lake it up for a while. We stopped by this house that my parents are looking at and peeked around. I like it. Well, the outside anyway, except the weird color. It’s indescribably ugly. We tried to see the inside, so I called the realitor, and he took the liberty of blowing us off royally. Like, “I’ll be there in a half hour to 45 minutes;” 45 minutes later, “I’d say maybe another half hour tops,” and 4 hours after my initial quoted time, still no call. What an ass.

We came back to my house and docked the boat, then I hurried up and got ready for volleyball. Man, we kicked some major ass. Well, we won. We played the number 2 team, and beat them, so that’s exciting. We’re first, by the way, so things are looking pretty good. I looked for the standings online, but no luck.

Afterward we hung out at Lefty’s house with some Franklin people and Troy and Katie and I from volleyball. That was a good time. Went to bed after 6 AM, then Katie woke me up at 10:30. Ug

I showered when I got home and was too tired to do anything but plop down in front of the TV. Maybe 1/2 hour into my viewing laziness, something decides that there will no longer be a picture on the screen, and I will have to watch Elimidate by guessing which catty voice belongs to which player. I tried this for a while, and then decided it was too much work. Nap time…for about 3 hours or so.

I woke up just in time to help my parents unpack the boat and the truck. Then we launched the boat, and I was volunteered to drive the boat to the lift. But as fate would have it, my dad and his bad time management had to run off, leaving the entire boat putting-away-the-boat process to me, myself, and I. Yeah, that made me happy, NOT.

I decided the only cure for my woes was some pizza, so I fired up the good ol oven. Pizza was great (Digiorno, of course), as was eating it in front of the TV while I was on the phone. (Hmm, I see a pattern developing…)

Eventually Emily, Aaron, and I got to Bastille Days to meet up with John and Jeff. Immediately when we got there, I tackled John from behind and he dropped most all of his beer. I felt pretty bad, but it was also pretty funny. Emily and I decided to look around at the shops, but we got there so late they were already all closing. That’s a sad site for a shopoholic like me. We went home shortly after because plans fell through for staying at Elise’s. Oh well, we’ll all see each other tomorrow.

Speaking of “tomorrow,” good luck to Aaron, first of all, trying to get up at 7:30, then good luck also in your soccer tournament.

And now I’m going to bed, because I’m still tired.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

My Tuesday

First of all, today's Dru's birthday, so I have to start by wishing him the happiest of all the best 20th birthday's in the world, even if it didn't really turn out that way...

On with my blog. Ever have one of those days where you feel like you really didn't do much of anything, but you still got a lot done? Or one of those days where you worked your ass off and got very little reward? Well, I, my friend, had both of those days in one...

I had to drag my ass out of bed at 9:30 this morning because Auto Glass Specialists needed a 4-hour window (10 AM-2 PM) to come and fix the chips in my windshield from the damn gravel truck. How hard would it be to throw a tarp over the tops of those babies? I mean really...

Sorry, back on track: So I know that 9:30 doesn't sound very early for some of you, in fact such an hour would be many additional hours slept, but for someone who works late and goes to bed later, that's pretty damn early. And I wanted to run a bunch of errands since I was up and all, but of course I couldn't because I had to be at home.

So I call the guys in the little red trucks and ask for an estimate of when they'll be showing up cuz I've got things to do and places to go, all before work. I'm informed that it'll be 1/2 hour (putting us at about 1:00 = much time wasted that could have been used for sleeping), which gave me plenty of time to shower and get dressed for work, etc before he arrives.

When he's finally done I hurried up and ran all my errands. Go figure, I'm done early. What else to do but go to work early and get paid 25 cents more than I would have. Yee ha. Being a Tuesday, today sucked, even though I seemed to be making mediocre tips on my tables. People these days just don't know how to tip... I was running my ass of trying to keep everyone happy, and I only botched once (how important are salads anyway? They even said they didn't want them and I gave them free dessert to compensate, so it was an okay tip.)

I grabbed my book at the end of the night and was astonished at how little I made in tips, especially for closing. Don't get me wrong: it could have been worse, but we were busy for a long time, and it shoulda been better. On the plus side, after I got home and threw in a load of laundry, I found $5 more in my apron. Cha ching. I'm a high roller now!

And an update of the pedometer (think "stepometer," but less cheesy and actually works) that I'm trialing for my mom: today was an all-time high of 5,160 steps. And I still have to go downstairs and get the laundry from the washer and dryer.


P.S. Some people were unaware why some words are bold and green. Those, my friends, are links. Some have something to do with whatever I was talking about. Others are random, but somehow related, probably just to the word itself. Enjoy.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Weekend Update

Here's an outline of my weekend. You all can request more detail individually, but this is the jist:

Started the day off by going shopping with Emily at Mayfair. Got some great stuff. Then we picked up Aaron and his friends Justin and Steve and headed to John's apartment in Milwaukee. There we met Jeff and Rachel and Rachel's friend (and John of course), then we all finally went to Summerfest. We headed over to the North Shore Bank stage to see Dashboard Confessional, but for some reason their show was ending early, and with all the delays getting there, we got there just in time to see everyone filing out of the North Shore Bank Stage Area. That was junk, but it was still fun cuz it was John's and Summerfest.

Emily had to work at 10 back in ET, so we woke up early to get her back in plenty of time. On the way home from Summerfest last time, we went the wrong way and ended up having to back track to take Aaron home. Wanting to be more efficient this time, we took a different way and ended up getting a little...okay...pretty lost in Milwaukee and the surrounding areas.

When we finally got back on track I informed Aaron that I didn't have time to take him home because I had to get Emily to work with minimum tardiness. Luckily she was only about 15 min late, and she'd called in and guessed a half hour, so we were in the clear. Aaron and I hung out until I had to go to work, when he decided to continue hanging out on his own. I felt a little bad about that, but it's not the worst of all kidnappings. I mean, he got grilled cheese out of the deal... Anyway, I can home after work and headed to Appleton. We arrived about 1 AM, hung out for a while, and then went to bed.

We woke up, and I (being the incredibly domestic person that I am) made everyone eggs and bacon and toast with OJ. yum yum! Then Anneli had to work, so Aaron and I headed to Price's in Oshkosh and hung out with his dad and some friends of his family. When we came in from the lake, Price's dad wanted a chance to use his new grill, so he cooked up some awesome steaks, which we had with some corn on the cob and potatoes and strawberries. also yum yum.

After dinner we cleaned up and went back on the boat. Watching the fireworks from the boat was awesome. They would fall right over us. I've never done that before. Very cool. After the show, we went back to the dock and met up with some of Price's other friends from Oshkosh. They were fun too, and Anneli came when she was done with work in Appleton.

When we woke up we decided to go to some Chinese Buffet for brunch after meeting up with Bob and Mary. For the third time in a row, yum. I was pleasantly shocked. I had to open the bar again this week, so I headed to Roma's for a glorious 1.9 hour shift where I made 4 drinks and $2.00 in tips. Watch out world! Since I was done around quarter after 5, I called up Emily and she and I went to an interesting little shindig at Jenny's. Anneli, if you're reading this, remind me to mention it to you. Home around 10 or so, and hung out and talked to the boy in between writing this. Now I'm catching up on North Shore (I can't decide if I like the show or's hard to make something good from a rip off show) before I go to bed.

* Disclaimer: This, too, was long and stream-of-consciousness. Again, deal.

Friday, July 02, 2004

So Cold - Breaking Benjamin

Crowded streets are cleared away
One by one
Hollow heroes separate
As they run
You're so cold
Keep your hand in mine
Wise men wonder while
Strong men die

Show me how an end is all right
Show me how defenseless you really are
Satisfy an empty inside
Well that's all right
Let's give this another try

If you find your family
Don't you cry
In this land of make believe
Dead and dry
You're so cold
but you feel alive
Lay your hand on me
One last time

Show me how an end is all right
Show me how defenseless you really are
Satisfy an empty inside
Well that's all right
Let's give this another try

Show me how an end is all right
Show me how defenseless you really are
Satisfy an empty inside
Well that's all right
Let's give this another try

It's alright
It's alright
It's alright
It's alright
It's alright
It's alright
It's alright
It's alright
It's alright

Falling - Ben Kweller

Wind is cold alright back in Dallas
When neon light from the building
Lets you know you're home

You'd go way back when
If you wanted to be my friend
Do you call me
I'll understand it's true

I don't feel like I'm falling
No I don't feel like I'm falling
No I don't feel like I'm falling down
Just say hello to the ground

Wait there, I'll be right back
Down in Times Square
It's a heart attack
All the feeling
That makes you feel so new

Hey, trees fall and so do men
Even the walls start caving in
And you feel like there's no pretend for you

I don't feel like I'm falling
No I don't feel like I'm falling
No I don't feel like I'm falling down
Just say hello to the ground

We could talk if days weren't so fast
And mistakes just leave it so unsure
Wanna hold you like never before
Cause we're falling and I love you more and more

Do you feel like you're falling down
Do you feel like you're falling down
I don't feel like I'm falling falling falling down

I don't feel like I'm falling
No I don't feel like I'm falling
No I don't feel like I'm falling down
Just say hello to the ground

I don't feel like I'm falling
No I don't feel like I'm falling
No I don't feel like I'm falling down

Do you feel like you're falling down
Do you feel like you're falling down
I don't feel like I'm falling falling falling
Just say hello to the ground.

Thursday, July 01, 2004


So when I got home from an average-ish Summerfest tonight (Styx concert), David asked me if I'd ever heard of Human For Sale before. In saying no, of course I had to take a look (just as you should).

Apparently I'm worth $2,402,130.00 after I put that I got a 0 on the SAT's (I never took them). It asks you 4 sets of questions: physical, mental, lifestyle, and personality. Then it generates some amount. I stacked my $2,402,130.00 up against the Most Valuable Females and I'm #5 (at the time of this post).

So anyway, if you're looking for an ego-boost, give that a shot. Everyone I know has done pretty well for themselves...

Now to find someone who can afford me...