Tuesday, November 23, 2004


I just finished writing my roommate letter, yes, at 3:30 AM. We have our meeting 18 hours, and I'm really not sure what to expect. I'm hoping for some change or resolution, but not holding my breath. 1300 words I crafted as well as I could, trying to be descriptive yet consice, but I still feel like I have so much more agitating me. :-/ I'll prolly have an update later, as I'm sure you're all dying to hear. Still no word on the room situation for next semester. And I'll be sure to let you, my adoring public, know when I get word on that, apparently after thanksgiving and before Christmas Break. they really narrow it down for you, don't they??

Anyway, I'm off to bed; no college quotes tonight cuz I added that stuff on the top earlier tonight, and now I'm just exhausted.

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