Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Computer Update

Well a drive to Milwaukee and back with nothing to show for it but a full tummy, I learned my options for fixing my keyboard:

(1) Have the Apple Store order my part, drive back to Milwaukee, wait while they install it, and pay an ass-raping in labor.
(2) Order the part and attempt to install it myself for approximately the same net cost (difficult to figure gas cost).
(3) Leave it and continue to either copy-paste t's, use plus signs, or substitute underscores...basically not fix it at all.

I chose option 2. $150 and some patience for UPS/FedEx Ground later, We may have a solution...

Stay tuned.

(this blog artfully copied and pasted by yours truly for your reading ease. appreciate it.)

  • Sam: I fell asleep watching the History Channel.
    Ann: What were you watching?
    Sam: Something about World War II. And I was mad, 'cause I really wanted to see who won.
  • Sloan: "I'm fumbling around, using my cell phone for light, like I'm back in the Dark Ages or some shit."
  • Brian: You know what my goal...
    Hish: To get into med school?
    Brian: No, I...
    Hish: Wait, you're applying to med school?
    Brian: No, my goal tonight...
    Hish: You're not getting into med school in one night, dude.
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