Sunday, November 14, 2004

Lots of Bad News

I'll begin wih a quick explanaion/apology ha here will be none of he leer beween r and y in his (and possibly fuure) pos(s) because my darling roommae go my comuer we and ha paricular ky doesn' work. I know his will be a lile difficl o read. Sorry.

A more serious issue, here has been a passing of which I hink hose from Eas roy should be aware. You can view an aricle here. His wife graduaed wih my class and currenly aends Carroll College.

I also became aware, paricularly his week, how much people can suck. You hink hey are your friends, bu hen hey ransack your room looking for beef jerky ha your moher sen ha you hadn' even eaen any of ye. hey break hings and knock over everyhing in your close looking for i. hey even rummage hrough your underwear drawer, boh disurbing and absurd. o op i all off, hey leave you a noe on your compuer elling you ha hey know your mom sen beef jerky, you should sop being a bich, and you have o alk o hem in he morning or you're no longer friends. How kind, righ? Oh, bu he noe was lef on we paper hen closed inside your lapop. Now your keyboard doesn' work properly. Excellen. In addiion, you had o sleep elsewhere because he culpri decided o pass ou on YOUR bed. Lovely.

And his is only he las sraw ha broke his camel's back. Such "friends" also consume all of your food and waer, complain when i's gone, and leave you wih nohing o grab when you're running ou he door on your way o work. While you're gone, you lock he door o keep belingings safe, bu you reurn home o find your roommae...oops, "he culpri"...has lef your door wide open, V blaring, lighs all on while she's gone o a differen building enirely o ry o ge some ass from he firs guy she sees. You're hungry and ired afer work, and I've already menioned ha your food has been eaen. You're hirsy, so you look for a bole of waer -- of which you purchased he las wo CASES, and here's none lef. She drank probably all bu 7 boles, which you managed o ge (of boh cases) before she drank all ha...or hrew away a half-full bole because i was "room emperaure," a likely effec when you leave hem siing all over he room.

Bu he bigger issue, my keyboard, which has been esimaed a abou $200 o fix: her response "I'm so broke righ now." I've been rying o dry i ou using my hairdryer on he "cool" seing, She apparenly really hopes ha works, cuz she's "so poor." GE A JOB!! I reurn home from work -- which I manage o hold down successfully while sill finding ime o complee my schoolwork -- and he hair dryer is OFF! Doesn' ake a college educaion o realize here is zero drying-power in a hair dryer ha's OFF!!!

I've also had o se my compuer so ha a password has o be enered in order o use i from he screensaver because my wonderful "friends" like o mess wih hings on my compuer. hursday I reurn home from working 13 hours o find my lapop MISSING from my desk. I have a lock on he damn hing. Bu oher "friends" hough i'd be a funny joke o rummage hrough my belongings o find he key hen seal my enire compuer (wih he fucked-up keyboard and he password proecion, mind you). Funny?! No even close!

I'm sure his is difficul o read, so I'll end i. Hope your friends are beer han mine and smare han his:

  • Chad: Which way do I turn?
    Garrett: Left you dumbass. Will and Grace would be seriously disappointed in you.
    Jason: Will and Grace?
    Garrett: Yeah, those explorers.
    Chad: That's Lewis and Clark you dumb fuck.
    Garrett: Yeah, them too.
  • Garrett: "It's okay man, there are plenty of girls in the lake...that swim."
    (trying to console a rejected friend with mixed metaphor)
  • PJ: "Where are my shoes? Please give me back my shoes, I don't want to get raped."
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Sorry for being such a screw up. I know that doesn't mean anything, but I think we need to sit down and talk sometime to fiqure things out and see where things go from there.