Wednesday, March 09, 2005

My Lovely Tuesday

We need to rename Tuesday "Stressday." I got home about an hour and a half ago (around 12:15 Wednesday morning) for the first time since I left my room this morning at about 9:45. Guess who left her curling iron on... ; ) Oops.

I took my calc exam this morning which went less than stellar, but better than I'd expected.

I almost missed my composite photos, but narrowly made my appointment time. Luckily (sarcasm) they were running about a half hour behind schedule, consuming all of my time to eat lunch.

I got a bagel at the pub and ate it on my way to class, for which I was 5 minutes late.

I went to Human Nature at 2:00 which turned out being a majority of lecture as opposed to mini-group discussion followed by large group sharing of mini-group discussion, which is the biggest waste of time ever. Of course since he loves to hear himself talk, class can over. THEN he had to hand back papers (on which I got an A cuz I rock).

I left Ripon about 4:08 and was supposed to be to work at 4:00. Punched in around 20 after. It was relatively steady, and tips were good, especially for a Tuesday, but work sucked a lot today. I don't really have a specific reason, but it did.

Then I came home and got a massage, which almost made my day seem a little better, even though I know the rest of this week is going to be just as crazy.

First midterm tomorrow for which I've had no time to look over the materials. Yesssssssss. Wish me luck!

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