Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy 2005

New Years Eve was a blast. Nice and drama-filled like most of my life (sarcasm...about the "nice" case you're "slow"). Overall it'd rate pretty awesome on the New Year's Eve Nights I currently recall, though, so it wasn't really that bad. Apparently I'm just a drama queen, as accusations say. If you want names/details/general gossip, you'll have to talk to me directly. (I'm taking a hint from Steph)

Anyway, I realized I need a new phone. Mine is on crack: delays, takes a long time to load, randomly decides to turn itself off for no apparent reason, etc. Any suggestions, send them my way.

Hope everyone else had a good New Year's too. If you wanna shoot me an e-mail I get those often, AIM if I'm around, or my cell are all great options. 13 days until the move back into Ripon. *sigh*


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You still haven't answered my question. How does it feel to be so filthy stinking rich?