Friday, December 31, 2004

Honey, I'm Home

Arrived home from vacation today. Early. For New Year's Eve. I'm looking forward to it. It's 4 AM, so I really don't have a lot of creativity having been awake for 22 hours now.

Christmas was nice. Relaxing, for the most part. Skiing was variable. The days before Christmas were VERY cold (think -25˚F BEFORE wind chill), which made the snow very slow. Mix slow snow with cold conditions, and you get a quite unhappy Rebecca. It warmed gradually after the Holiday, however. This made the snow quicker, and since it kept snowing and snowing and snowing, conditions were great.

Since one of my mother's gifts was new skis and poles, I inherited my mother's old skis (which really aren't that old) and got new poles and goggles for Chrsitmas. I spent most of the vacation skiing and only actually went out boarding one day. My feet get a lot colder in those boots, for whatever reason, so it's more difficult to stay out for a long time. : (

Two other families we know from East Troy have homes in the area (the Martins and the Fons's). Tuesday night we all went out for pizza, and Wednesday night we all went to the Fons house for dinner and Pictionary. I know it sounds corny, but it was actually very competitive and fun, especially since my team won. ; )

Nothing else notable since the routine was pretty much the same each day. Hope everyone celebrates a safe and fun New Year's Eve!

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