Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Three for Three

I've been posting every day out of sheer boredom, so hopefully you're keeping up with my uneventful life. Aaron made me aware of this website tonight. It's full of stupid things college students (and sometimes professors) say. For your sake, I have signed up for the daily e-mail and will post a good one daily. Well, whenever I post, if I remember, I'll add one to the end, and that's the best you're going to get, so deal.

I went out to eat with my family today to Red Losbter. That was amazing. I love Red Lobster.

Sometimes (okay, semi-frequently) when I'm bored online I'll use that thing on the top of the blog to find someone else's random blog, and I found this one last night. Whoever it is seems pretty funny from the 2 posts I've read. There's one to keep an eye on.

Tom sent me this movie of guys playing the piano with their, um, *cough*, male parts. Don't worry (or don't get too excited), there's no actual nudity, but it's interesting all the same.

In my boredom I also found a way to add a chat function type thing to my blog. I'm adding a poll to the right-hand side of the page, so please vote on that.

That's all for now. I recorded the premier of "The Biggest Loser" on replay TV (like TiVo) so I'm going to go watch that. I'm sure I'll have more to babble about tomorrow.

As promised, the dumb college quotes (with help from Aaron):
  • "The more I go to college in hopes of making an honest life, and work hard to get somewhere respectful... the more I want to sell drugs...and prostitute myself."
  • Jim: Is it wrong to date a 16 year old?
    Brad: No it's not wrong, just illegal.
    Jim: It's only illegal if it all goes well.
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