Thursday, January 20, 2005

My Hard Disk Crashed

Yes, that is a bad thing. No, it's not fixed yet. I'm using other people's computers whenever I can. It's been down for a week now, and I really think I'm suffering from withdrawals. I really felt the urge to share some of the things I've been e-mailed, though:

For all the women who can't write their names in the snow
What I want to do to my $1500 paperweight (laptop)
I still love this website: so informative!
Here's a game for wasting time
Weirdest car commercial ever
Great scam on eBay

No guarentees when the next post will be, so hopefully this holds you over. : )

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Here are some cartoons that represent my eBaying experience in some way:

Ahhh, raping buyers on shipping... : )

This better be appreciated...

Muah ha ha ha ha

One Day Until Ripon

The past few days my dad has had me post a bunch of crap on eBay. Now that all the auctions are finishing and everything sold, apparently it's my job to package everything, do all of the post-sale communications, and make sure everything gets sent. It's a pain in the ass.

I've also gotten to spend a lot of time with friends in the past few days. I went shopping with Emily on Sunday, and Monday we went to brunch with another friend Jessica, then we all went to Goodwill. All of us found stuff, too. Monday night, Katie, Emily and I got together at my house, ordered pizza, and finally exchanged our Christmas presents. Tuesday I went shopping with Kate, who I haven't seen since Halloween. It was good to catch up. Emily is back at school now, Katie's working all the time, and Kate's back to being super mom and only ever seeing her boyfriend. Yes, that is annoying. Everyone else has already gone back to school, or doesn't go to college ans works full time.

That means today I get to ship stuff out, pack up my own belongings, and get everything into the Suburban for the drive back to Ripon tomorrow. Tonight I'm going TV shopping with my dad since my roommate is moving out and the TV was hers. I'm meeting him in Milwaukee at 4:45, so all of this has to be done by then. Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Back From My Work Weekend

So I went up to Ripon this weekend to work. I hid out on my own dorm room...with a car in the lot with a license plate that reads "PERK UP" (my mom's). I missed the RA check the 1st night, even though I accidentally left a light on in my room before I left for work that day. The swimmers moved in Friday too, and I'm guessing if the RA noticed, she assumed my room was a swimmer room too, since the girls down the hall are. 2nd night was close-call-free. In case you're unfamiliar with the process, I had to "hide out" in my own room because if you're staying the night on campus after you were supposed to have moved out and before you are scheduled to move back in, you have to pay $25 a night. I was a tad worried about having my mom's car parked in a campus lot because campus parking tickets are $50 without a permit, which her car does not have, and parking on the street was not an option because the police ticket during fron November til April for snow removal (even though there's still snow everywhere). No glitches, though. I'm like McGuyver...

Working was maybe worth it... I worked Friday and Saturday, 4 until close both days, the best two days out of the week. I can definitely say that I DON'T like the new tips policy. We are no9w getting all charge tips in our paycheck, so we only leave with whatever tips we made in cash. When you're working in a restaurant in a hotel-type place, a lot of people room CHARGE or use a CHARGE card, so cash tips aren't common. I left Friday night with 50 cents in my pocket. :-/ Saturday was better, but nothing great. This sucks.

I went shopping with Emily today. Katie didn't come because she opted to stay in EauClaire and shop with her not-boyfriend-(maybe?)-'s little sister. Pff. Em and I got some great deals though, which rocks. We came home to dinner at my house, which was delicious. Had an interesting drive home: my driveway was black ice and we started slipping sideways just before the crest (my driveway is a huge hill, for those of you who don't know). My first reaction was to hit the breaks, which I realized was the worst idea ever as soon as I did it. Super Rebecca saved the day, though, and after leaving half my tires on the driveway I managed to get the car up the hill. I have a little research to do on traction control and if my car has it. If it doesn't I have no idea how we got up the hill at all. Miracles do happen, people.

My ReplayTV for my dorm room is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. The tracking last said it was in Oak Creek, which isn't far. Now all I need to get is a TV to hook it up to in my room... That's this week's task... We also need a bigger fridge and a microwave. Oh, by we I mean I. (Double-single room this semester, in case you're not up to date.) So much to do, so little cash...

On that note, I'm going to go sit on my ass in the TV room.

P.S. Here's some info on Strep

Thursday, January 06, 2005

OC Update

As promised, for those still a little confused:

I Love Thursdays

Reason 1: The OC
Well I've devised a chart for all of you that ahave problems watching the OC, because it is wonderful, and no one should miss out on seeing it because they don't know what's going on. I haven't watched tonight's episode yet, so I'm not posting it, but I will after I see it. We started dinner at 7:00, of course, so I'm waiting for it to finish recording before I start watching it.

Reason 2: No More Strep
I woke up this morning not feeling very shitty at all. I've had strep the past few days, which is why there has been no actual posts up. I detected the symptoms early, though, and I attribute my quick recovery to that.

Reason 3: The Dawn of Money
I work at the Heidel House this weekend, even though I'm on break. I haven't been bale to work at Roma's at all over break, so I figured I'd make the trip back to Green Lake. Apparently I was supposed to be scheduled Saturday close and Sunday open. Knowing full well that Sunday open I wouldn't make enough to make the trip worth it, I told my boss I'd made arrangements under the asumption that I was working Friday close and Saturday close (which is what I was originally told) and wasn't sure if I'd be able to rearrange. I asked if I could be switched, and she made it happen. Yay for head-waitress-ship. Friday and Saturday nights should be a better shot at money.

Reason 3.5: Going Back, But Not
This is only really half a reason since it ties into the previous. I'm loving the idea of going back to school, but not actually having to go to classes. Sometime Sunday I'll come home and still have a week of vacation left, which is always nice.

If you haven't already, check out the new links and stuff on top. Have a good weekend. : )

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy 2005

New Years Eve was a blast. Nice and drama-filled like most of my life (sarcasm...about the "nice" case you're "slow"). Overall it'd rate pretty awesome on the New Year's Eve Nights I currently recall, though, so it wasn't really that bad. Apparently I'm just a drama queen, as accusations say. If you want names/details/general gossip, you'll have to talk to me directly. (I'm taking a hint from Steph)

Anyway, I realized I need a new phone. Mine is on crack: delays, takes a long time to load, randomly decides to turn itself off for no apparent reason, etc. Any suggestions, send them my way.

Hope everyone else had a good New Year's too. If you wanna shoot me an e-mail I get those often, AIM if I'm around, or my cell are all great options. 13 days until the move back into Ripon. *sigh*