Sunday, August 01, 2004

My Weekend

Lots to say. I'll update tonight

Well it's "tonight," so I guess I have to keep up my end of the bargain...

Called into work early. Made some quick cash bartending. Went to play volleyball. Played well. Won the match as usual.

Waitressed at "The Roma." Made some phat cash. Went to Milwaukee and met up with Andy and Caleb. Slept in Milwaukee.

Went out to breakfast. Drove home. Lazed. Talked a lot on the phone. Went to work again. Full moon: lots of weirdos, as usual. I may have been one of them. Phat cash again. Went to Milwaukee, this time to meet up with John and Chris. Funny story that's too long to type. Slept at John's.

Got up. Drove to Katie's house. Talked to her mom about her mom's date last night. Went out to breakfast. Went shopping. Found nothing. Got frustrated. Left. Went home. Went to work. Again, phat cash. Katie showed up at work to tell me we werr going to Emily's tonight. We hung out, played some Clue, at which I kicked ass. Went home. Writing a blog and talking to Alex online. Going to bed soon.

The End. Ask for detail if you want, but I'm too lazy for deaf ears...

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