Thursday, October 19, 2006

“I’m runnin late, and I don’t need no excuse cuz I’m wearin my brand new shoes.” - Paolo Nutini

This week I blame Fall Break for my lateness in e-mail. Wednesday was an extremely long (but not terrible) day of driving back from visiting Kaplan in Minnesota.

Venessa and I embarked on our westward trek on Saturday afternoon after a myriad of distractions. Unfortunately I don't have any great stories from our mini-trip, but we do (well, Kaplan does) have plenty of great photos. This is all attributed to Venessa's general hilarity and in no way due to us doing anything that anyone else would consider fun. Whenever she gets those off her camera (don’t hold your breath) I might share a few.

Talladega Nights was good. Have you seen it yet? Go see it. I challenge you to do it for less than $1 like we did. ; ) Kidding. Sorta. Actually just buy it when it comes out. If you like Will Farrell you'll like Talladega Nights. Also see Mambo Italiano if you haven't yet and if you can handle gay comedy. Actually the first condition is optional.

Enough with the movie advice; let's just face the facts and admit I had the most boring week ever. If VH1 did a show on that, they'd be pounding down my door. "So you, uh, went bowling? And drove a lot? Sweeeeeeet." "But producer-guy! We've got pictures of Venessa!"

Yeah he's gone. And so am I. Goodnight! And hey, it's Friday!

1 comment:

Faisal Usman said...
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