Tuesday, March 06, 2007

"The rain's gone, here come the swallows. Let's start today tomorrow." - Youth Group

This past week in weather has been nothing short of astounding. Last Wednesday we had so few small patches of snow on the ground anyone would have sworn we were bidding winder adieu. Not so fast, though. Thursday night began the slow descent of some
innocent looking
flurries. By Friday these nonchalant flakes had turned into large clumps. As the weather fluctuated we actually experienced snow, rain, sleet, and hail all in the course of one day. "Only in Wisconsin," right?

In other news, I’M DONE WITH MY SENIOR SEMINAR speech. I realize the last word steals the thunder a little bit, but that’s a 45-minute speech out of the way. Best...Feeling...Ever. I still have a paper to write, but that’s just a paper format of the speech I gave. And working from the PowerPoint I used, it shouldn’t be terrible. I’m stickin with “Best...Feeling...Ever.”

Unfortunately I’ve still got a ton of other homework. Lucky me, though: I get to start another class when we get back from Spring Break. Ack. What possibly made me think this was a good idea at registration time?? Furthermore, this class is scheduled smack dab in the middle of my usual nap times. I guess normalizing my sleep schedule would be an option, but I feel like I do my best work at night...er...early in the morning. What’s a girl to do?

Enjoy spring break while it’s here, that’s what. I’m spending half of it at home and the other half with Danny. We even get to work in a visit to see Kaplan and Venessa. At first I was kind of bummed that I wasn’t doing something big and exciting and warm for my last spring break EVER, but now I’m happy that it’s just going to be relaxing and cheap and relatively free of any anticipated stress.

This is about as much time as I have this time. Back to the books.

Stay warm!
<3 Rebecca~

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